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Innovation Workshop

Create new value for your organization!

Discover the Power of Combinations

The Power of Combinations

Innovation = Combination

In the current digital world, business and technology are changing fast. This makes it difficult for businesses and organizations to keep track. No idea where to start? Struggling to find the right opportunities?

In this workshop we’ll look for new business and customer value together with you. We won’t focus on just one disruptive technology, but we’ll try to find the ideal combinations for your organization. Because innovation = combination!

Questions on the agenda

How do you stay up to date?

The IT world is evolving at lightning speed, but you’re struggling to stay up to date with the latest technologies.

Solution: we will guide you through the latest trends and groundbreaking technologies and inspire you using unique use cases focused on your market and industry.

How do you find the perfect fit?

The competition is not sitting on its hands. You have to adapt, but you don’t see the perfect match for your business.

Solution: Together we look for the right opportunity and create the perfect combination by connecting it with the appropriate technology.

How is your role changing?

Innovations are popping up everywhere. How do they influence your role and how can you implement them?

Solution: We start a dialogue and help you to gain insight into a new business model that better fits your customer’s needs and requirements.

Technologies & Trends

Your innovation potential is only fully deployed when your different technologies are linked to one another: the secret of the combination. A successful mix of blockchain and IoT, supplemented with a bit of machine learning? We can make it happen! These technologies are high on our radar:
Artificial Intelligence

ArtificiaI Intelligence
Machine Learning

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality


Distributed Ledger
eg. Blockchain

IoT Cloud

Internet of Things
Hybrid/Public Cloud




Digital platforms


The agenda is fully tailored to your requirements. Potential problems are identified and linked to solutions. You’ll receive a concrete roadmap for an innovative application in your company and a ready-to-use report that can be converted into a PoC.


You can bring together a group of 4 to 8 people from your organization with the following profiles:

  • Chief Executives
  • Managers

Cegeka brings together a team of experts tailored to your requirements and the related agenda, to give your organization an optimal innovation boost.

What our customers say


"It was nice to identify our business pains with an open mind and examine together how different technologies can help us to solve those pains"

Dries Herpoelaert, General Manager KMDA

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