Contribute to socially relevant applications

In our Social Impact division, you have the opportunity to work on engaging and meaningful projects. We work with driven project teams. You can continuously learn and experiment with the latest technologies. The division believes in Agile values and applies them. There is an open culture and focus on personal development, well-being, and fun at work.

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Social impact:
projects with impact!

Within the Social Impact division, we develop socially relevant applications that are strongly linked to social security and the public sector. As citizens, we all come into contact with these applications almost daily (sometimes without realizing it).

Self-employed individuals' social contributions are accurately calculated and their administration is monitored, grants are calculated and automatically awarded, companies' payroll administration is expertly supported, all thanks to the applications developed by Cegeka.

What do we offer you in our projects?

  • Continuous learning: you can develop yourself through exploration days, tech guilds, hackathons, conferences, and internal and external training sessions.
  • Agile working: you'll be part of dynamic teams with motivated colleagues, a no-nonsense mentality, open communication, and room for self-direction.
  • Continuous feedback: you provide and receive active guidance and tips.
  • Modern best practices: you work with modern best practices in all areas ranging from functional analysis to development and project management.


Project 1: Acerta EverESSt

Cegeka is looking for candidates to strengthen our agile teams within the Acerta EverESSt project. In this project, we are building the payroll engine of the future. The main task of a payroll engine, also known as a wage engine, is to calculate wages: from determining the right to gross salary to net salary, taking into account all legal provisions and systems applicable to remuneration in Belgium. Additionally, we also cover all necessary declarations related to taxes and social security, and we handle data flows to banks, providers of meal vouchers, and much more.

Acerta is a Belgian HR service provider with payroll administration as one of its main activities, serving companies of all sizes. The department responsible for this calculation is called a "Recognized Social Secretariat (ESS)." Most social secretariats operate with payroll engines based on mainframe technologies that are often 20 to 30 years old. There is a growing need for a new payroll engine that utilizes modern technology, which is both cost-effective and capable of supporting new business processes and models.

How we at Cegeka make this a success?

By doing what we're good at: building high-quality software using our Agile mentality and best development practices.

The technology stack is Java-based, and the applications run entirely containerized on a Kubernetes-based platform, utilizing an automated CI/CD process. The challenges lie in both functional requirements and operational requirements (NFRs), including, most importantly, performance, scalability, and maintainability.

Which specific technologies?
  • Applications: Java, Spring boot, JPA, Hibernate, Spring, PostgreSQL, SQL, GIT, Gradle, JUnit, Selenium, IntelliJ, REST, HTML, Angular, Mockito, CSS, Jenkins, Concourse
  • Platform: Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform, Concourse
  • Process: Agile, Extreme Programming, Scrum

We use techniques such as DDD (Domain-Driven Design), TDD (Test-Driven Development), and BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) within a modular architecture that utilizes microservices.

Joris Vertommen, Directeur Social Impact

Project 2: Ventouris

Ventouris is a cost-sharing initiative for 8 out of the 10 social insurance funds in Belgium. Cegeka has a long-term contract with these funds and, through smooth collaboration over time, we have built an excellent trust relationship.

Ventouris is a future-proof administrative system that supports dossier managers in their daily tasks. The application has thousands of users who handle the files of more than one million active self-employed individuals and thousands of active companies.

We work with a team of approximately 40 motivated employees to keep the Ventouris application functionally, legally, and technically up to date.

Through workshops with clients, we contemplate new future users and their needs and how this translates into new architectural requirements, functionalities, and devices. In this way, we continue to invest in an application that remains relevant in the future.


Which specific technologies?
  • Applications & frameworks: Spring, Spring boot, Java, Angular, JakartaEE (JSF, EJB, JMS), Rest, SOAP, GraphQL, jUnit, Keycloak, Wildfly
  • Datastores: JPA, Hibernate, Oracle, Sql, Splunk
  • Tools: Git, Jenkins, IntelliJ, Gradle, SonarQube, Docker
  • Process: Agile, Extreme Programming, Scrum

Project 3: Iriscare

One of the powers that Brussels acquired after the sixth state reform was the authority for the elderly assistance allowance (THAB). The institution Iriscare faced the challenge of developing the application in the short term to request, manage, and pay the allowance. With Cegeka in the lead, this was accomplished.

The architecture of Iriscare's applications is built around microservices. Thanks to this architecture, the applications are scalable, and Iriscare's application landscape is ready for future expansions.

Below, you can view the customer testimonial.

Work hard, play hard

"The Office Games are a monthly initiative where we organize low-threshold sports and game activities on our office premises during the lunch break. Some examples include basketball, kubb, ping pong, badminton... I believe it's important to organize the Office Games to provide a relaxing moment during the lunch break. It's the ideal opportunity to connect with colleagues from different teams.

After an Office Games afternoon, the energy level is always higher than on other days, and we can all return to work with full attention and productivity. The Office Games definitely contribute to a good relationship with colleagues and provide a boost for workplace enjoyment."

- Katrien Van de Vonder (Department Manager Social Impact)

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