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Cegeka News, Blogs & Podcasts

Smart and seamless parking solution created by Cegeka and Q-Park

In cooperation with Q-Park, Cegeka has developed Parking-as-a-Smart-Service (PaSS), a cloud solution that makes it possible to drive in and out of a parking garage easily through the use of license plate recognition.

In cooperation with Q-Park, Cegeka has developed Parking-as-a-Smart-Service (PaSS), a cloud solution that makes it possible to drive in and out of a parking garage easily through the use of license plate recognition.

Digital Trends in Logistics

Information moves quickly and T&L needs to optimize its speed of providing goods, almost in real-time as the information. The supply chain is more complex than ever, but it still has one main objective: to satisfy the final customer. Here are a few of the disruptive trends that will set the competitive differentiation in this fast-paced industry.

Real-time data on goods status has become paramount for any transportation and logistics company. Cloud-based transportation and warehouse management systems help organizations optimize their supply chains throughout different locations.

RPA: faster, cheaper and more efficient

RPA bots automate simple and structured tasks. Result? Your employees are happier and have more time to make a difference, while RPA bots perform the routine tasks faster, more efficiently and cheaper.

RPA bots automate simple and structured tasks, so humans can focus on the more creative tasks where humans beat machines every time. Result? Your employees are happier and have more time to make a difference, while RPA bots perform the routine tasks faster, more efficiently and cheaper.