Become a connected company - Customer Stories - CRM

Discover best practices for your industry and get inspired by the journey of our clients in becoming a connected company. Read our customer cases.

Hoorcentrum Aerts: even more attention to the customer, thanks to Microsoft Dynamics 365

Hoorcentrum Aerts boosts customer focus with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for improved efficiency and...
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How does Bolletje remain the brand that everyone wants?

Everyone wants Bolletje. But how does Bolletje stay relevant? By constantly innovating. Together...
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Novatech International embraces Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM - and the future

To steer its customer care and sales teams into the future, Novatech is counting on Microsoft...
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Laurent-Perrier boosts champagne sales with Cegeka Fearless Leader

Cegeka’s mobile CRM solution helps the sales team at Laurent-Pierrier win time and business...
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All data directly available to SanoRice

To work together efficiently, it is important to share information in a central location. Rice...
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Centralizing all customer data at VITO

VITO wanted to centralize all customer data. Discover how they harnessed the power of Microsoft...
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A customer-centric platform at Q8Oils

Q8Oils implemented Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement with a sales module on top to unify...
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Het Anker: Serving customers better thanks to Cegeka Fearless Leader

Discover how Het Anker improved product visibility in a very competitive market environment
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Sligro Food Group: Increasing sales efficiency thanks to Cegeka Fearless Leader

Discover how Sligro saves time and cuts paper consumption during the yearly Sligro Fair
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KMDA manages its customers efficiently thanks to Microsoft Dynamics CRM

KMDA needed a 360° view on its customer base and target group. Cegeka proposed a user-friendly...
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New CRM system based on Dynamics 365 is the first step towards digitization for ROC Nijmegen

In 2018 ROC Nijmegen said goodbye to its old CRM. Cegeka’s flexible project approach and the focus...
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Dynamics 365 enables Bel'Orta to become  fully customer centric

The goal of the whole project was to create more intimacy and impact with clients. BelOrta is...
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Dynamics 365 ensures Koppert’s supply chain is fit for the future

Dynamics 365 has helped Koppert Biological Systems to produce a worldwide, financial and...
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Perfect marriage between Microsoft Power Platform and Dynamics 365

Thanks to the Microsoft ecosystem, Renta Solutions connects the entire leasing chain in Belgium,...
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