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Here for a better Customer Case Format

Nick Deman

Nick Deman

February 23, 2023

A short introduction going from the summary to the full story. Maybe a little bit of backstory. Maybe something like this? In the mid-1950s, "maneuverability" was not yet very complicated. At least, not if your name was Frank Eduard Bieze and you wanted to sell luxury biscuits, tea, nuts and mustard. In those days you just bought a caravan, loaded it up with your products and traveled around the country to supply delis with your treats.


A short introduction to the main challenges in the industry / company and why they were unable to move forward with the previous situation / system(s).



Highlight of biggest challenge one and how they dealt with it up until now. And the reason why it was so important for the industry, business, organisation, etc.


War for talent

Highlight of biggest challenge two and how they dealt with it up until now. And the reason why it was so important for the industry, business, organisation, etc.


Increasing gas prices

Highlight of biggest challenge three and how they dealt with it up until now. And the reason why it was so important for the industry, business, organisation, etc.

“Maybe here there's room for an interesting quote and below a picture, but preferably a teasing video?”

- Eline de Baets, Marketeer at Cegeka.



A short introduction to the solution highlights - functional and technical - and how they all came together, what the results are, the ROI. Make a smooth transition from challenge to solution. Go wild, catch the attention. Sell it baby. Make the crowd go wild. Let them want to discover more. We want them to beg us for a project, right? Go Cegeka, go Cegeka, go Cegeka. We are here to help, we are here to shine, we are here to win.


Production focused solution

Highlight of biggest solution advante one and this will help the organisation forward. Maybe some feedback from management or the end-users. Why did they choose this capability or why did we propose it. How will it make their life better?


Clear planning system

Highlight of biggest solution advante one and this will help the organisation forward. Maybe some feedback from management or the end-users. Why did they choose this capability or why did we propose it. How will it make their life better?


Structured logistics

Highlight of biggest solution advante one and this will help the organisation forward. Maybe some feedback from management or the end-users. Why did they choose this capability or why did we propose it. How will it make their life better?


Always up-to-date software

Highlight of biggest solution advante one and this will help the organisation forward. Maybe some feedback from management or the end-users. Why did they choose this capability or why did we propose it. How will it make their life better?

“Maybe here there's room for another interesting quote and below a picture..”

- Eline de Baets, Marketeer at Cegeka.




Why did they choose Cegeka? How did we handle the project? What are the next steps? How did they experience the collaboration? Make an appealing intro to make your reader curious.

Selection Procedure

Let's elaborate a bit on how the customer started its selection journey and why and how they decided on choosing Cegeka.

Project Approach

How did we start this whole project, who worked on it, how. Tell us all about it please. Did we start with a thorough analysis? Did we draw up a roadmap?

Next Steps

Tell us about the future. What does the future hold? What more do they need?

In close cooperation

What does 'in close cooperation' mean for this customer? For this project? Tell us all about it lorem ipsum something something please.

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Nick Deman

Nick Deman

Dynamics 365 - Field Marketeer

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