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Home Blog Blog Improved product visibility with 'Product Performance' from Fearless Leader
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Improved product visibility with 'Product Performance' from Fearless Leader

Tom Moorgat

Tom Moorgat

June 09, 2023

You can make sales analytics – especially from store checks – more powerful thanks to the Product Performance feature, which fills in missing data in product visibility reports with relevant value. If there is no registration for a certain product in a particular store, Fearless Leader will use the closest value so that a report can still be generated. With this feature, you artificially increase the returns from your people, gain improved analyses and can ultimately make better business decisions for improved Product Visibility. 

How does this work exactly? 

For example: For Chocobrand X, a store check is carried out 3 times a year in all of the stores in chain Y. But, some of the stores are missed (it can happen). Sometimes, the March store check is missed; sometimes the check in December is missed. The individual analysis from these stores cannot be carried out due to these ‘holes’ and they will excluded from the chain’s analysis. If your field workers use Fearless Leader, the ‘Product Performance’ feature will automatically replace the missing values with the most recent registration when creating reports. 

‘Better to have a good estimate than no data at all. By working with proxies at product level and per store (the most detailed level), you not only ensure ‘impossible’ reports are generated, you also substantially improve the quality of all analyses at a higher level’, says product manager Steven De Backer from Fearless Leader. It may seem a simple intervention but could also be the deciding factor. 

Fearless Leader


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Tom Moorgat

Tom Moorgat

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