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Connected companies are always up to any challenge – harnessing the power of data to optimize operations, engage with customers and empower employees. But how and where to start this journey? Here at Cegeka we’re keen to share our knowledge, let you in on best (and worst) practices, and showcase some amazing yet quite feasible innovations. Join us in our mission to propel businesses into tomorrow!

The added value of Microsoft Sustainability Manager in the food industry

Explore how Microsoft Sustainability Manager empowers food companies to address ESG challenges,...
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Use case: How to manage sales promotions and other actions centrally with Fearless Leader

Fearless Leader enables sales directors to centrally roll out sales promotions and other actions,...
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Use case: How to automate order processing with Fearless Leader

Fearless Leader automatically processes orders, eliminating the need for sales representatives to...
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Cegeka’s 5 minute update: what’s new for Microsoft Copilot?

Discover the latest changes for Microsoft Copilot in our 5-minute update of the 2024 Release Wave 1...
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Use case: How to track te product sales pipeline in bars and restaurants with Fearless Leader

Fearless Leader gives sales representatives full insight into the product sales pipeline, so they...
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Use case: How to make the most out of store checks with Fearless Leader

Fearless Leader allows sales representatives to run store checks as efficiently as possible and...
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Use case: Optimize your daily route and planning with Fearless Leader

Fearless Leader calculates the optimal route to customers and prospects, so sales reps can make...
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What’s new for Sales, Marketing and Customer Service in Microsoft Dynamics 365 release wave 2?

Release wave 2 will improve the Sales and Marketing platforms with updates to sales engagement,...
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Use case: How to run on-site store checks offline on any device with Fearless Leader

Fearless Leader allows sales representatives to use their preferred devices during on-site store...
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Techsplained: Sales Copilot

Eliminate manual data entry and give sellers more time to focus on selling by automatically...
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Speed ​​up innovation with Dynamics 365 Copilot

Discover how Dynamics 365 Copilot and AI can accelerate innovation and transform your organization....
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Improved product visibility with 'Product Performance' from Fearless Leader

In this blog post, we discuss the Product Performance feature of the Cegeka Fearless Leader app
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Fearless Leader helps brewers in the constant 'War for Attention'

In this blog post, we discuss how brewers can win the war for attention with the use of Cegeka...
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Techsplained: Omnichannel for Customer Service

What is Omnichannel for Customer Service? In our video series Techsplained, we give you a one...
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What’s new for Sales, Marketing and Customer Service in Microsoft Dynamics 365 release wave 1?

Release wave 1 will improve the Sales and Marketing platforms with updates to sales engagement,...
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Give marketing activities maximum impact with 'Product Mix' from Fearless Leader

In this blog post, we discuss how you can increase the impact on marketing actions with the Cegeka...
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Fearless Leader succeeds on international stage

Cegeka Fearless Leader succeeds on the international stage because it creates genuine added value...
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What’s new for Sales, Marketing and Customer Service in Microsoft Dynamics 365 release wave 2?

Release wave 2 helps businesses to optimize the seller experience and reach new levels of marketing...
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Using Custom Connectors for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement and Finance and Operations

In this blog post, we discuss the use of Custom Connectors for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer...
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Integrating Virtual Entities for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement and Finance and Operations

In this blog post, we discuss Virtual Entities for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement and...
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Integrating Data Integrator for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement and Finance and Operations

In this blog post, we discuss the Data Integrator service for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer...
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Integrating Dual Write for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement and Finance and Operations

In this blog post, we discuss Dual Write infrastructure for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer...
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Techsplained: Customer Insights

What is Customer Insights? In our video series Techsplained, we give you a one minute dissection of...
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What’s new for Sales & Marketing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 release wave 1?

Release wave 1 enables sellers and marketeers to harness the power of data and AI in order to close...
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3 major sales challenges - and how to face them

Discover how a powerful sales application improves sales processes in your project and services...
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What's new for Sales & Marketing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Release Wave 2?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Release Wave 2 introduces important updates for Sales and Marketing...
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3 steps towards the best data integration strategy for your business

Avoiding ‘data silos’ is vital for efficient workflows. Connect your applications and tools through...
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 updates: take marketing to new heights

Microsoft Dynamics 365 2021 Release Wave 1 is a real treat for marketers looking to build strong...
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 updates: what’s in it for sales?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 2021 Release Wave 1 empowers salespeople to close more deals and drive...
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'Customer experience? Barely anyone is doing it right.'

‘Customer Experience? There are very few companies that really go for it.’ - In conversation with...
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