Cegeka Careers Language Why Cegeka Back
Trinity of Innovation

5G, Artificial Intelligence and hybrid cloud: all breakthrough technologies in and by themselves. But their real potential?

Discover the future with us

Cegeka & Society

We develop innovative solutions with a positive impact on the environment, people, and society.

Icons_Navigation_Why Cegeka

Why Cegeka

As a family-owned IT solutions provider, we work In close cooperation with our customers.

Icons_Navigation_Our Story

About Us

Our strong values form the cornerstone of our identity and are at the baseline of our success.

Icons_Navigation_Annual Report

Annual Report

Dive into the details of our growth. Read the full report and learn more about our continued success.

More Cegeka

Our Management

Corporate News

Contact & Locations

Solutions Back
Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid Cloud

Explore the added value of cloud adoption for your business

Data solution

Data & AI

Discover our different data solutions to help you become a data-driven company.

RegulatoryCompliance_Visuals_Navigation (1)

Regulatory Compliance

Ensure GDPR & GxP compliance with our comprehensive solutions.

Cyber Security & Networking Solution

Cyber Security & Networking

With cyber resilience, your organisation becomes a bit more secure with each day.

Digital Workplace Solution

Digital Workplace

Hybrid workplaces that increases productivity and reduces costs.

Testing_Visuals_IconNavigation (1)

Quality Engineering

Ensuring seamless software, one Test at a time.

Applications Solution


Building the applications to embed growth, innovation and agility

Business Solutions

Business Solutions

Transform your business with Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM, integrated with Microsoft’s Power Platform.


5G & Mobile Private Networks

Expertise and development experience to bring all the advantages of 5G.

Products and platform solutions

Products & Platforms

Software solutions that optimize business processes and drive success.

Services Back

IT Team Extension

The best IT professionals to support your projects

Outsourcing Services

Outsourcing & Managed Services

Outsourcing your IT helps you to focus on your strategy.



The right skills and attitude to support the IT projects at your office



Integrating the right digital solutions for your IT project

Industries Back

Our industry-tailored services are designed to address specific challenges and opportunities across different industries

All industries

Agri & Food

Cegeka has a deep understanding of the agri and food ecosystem and the opportunities it creates.



By creating leading digital solutions and connecting individuals, processes and systems.​

Energy & Utilities

Energy & Utilities

The arrival of smart electricity grids will allow companies to take care of their own energy management

Finance & Insurance

Finance & Insurance

Take major steps towards cloud computing to increase effectiveness through the use of AI and big data.



Production chains are becoming intelligent networks with real-time track-and-trace systems.



Offer citizens, businesses and visitors a better experience by integrating the best digital solutions for mobility.

Insights Back
Knowledge is our backbone

We believe in sharing our insights and expertise with you. Explore our resources and learn more about our products, services and industry trends.

Icons_Navigation_Case Studies

Case Studies

Step into the world of our delighted customers and see how we helped them achieve their goals.

Icons_Navigation_News Items

Corporate News

Stay in the loop with our company news, announcements, awards and events.



Read our latest articles on topics ranging from technology, innovation, business and beyond.



Be part of the action with our live or on-demand webinars, where our experts share invaluable knowledge.


E-books & Whitepapers

Download our guides and reports on various aspects of technology and business.



Find out where we are going to be next, and register for our upcoming events.

CTG Academy


Enhance your skills with our expert-led training courses, tutorials, and certifications at our Academy.

Join our Academy
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Austria (German)

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Belgium (French)

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Let’s get in touch
Cegeka Why Cegeka
Trinity of Innovation

5G, Artificial Intelligence and hybrid cloud: all breakthrough technologies in and by themselves. But their real potential?

Discover the future with us

Cegeka & Society

We develop innovative solutions with a positive impact on the environment, people, and society.

Icons_Navigation_Why Cegeka

Why Cegeka

As a family-owned IT solutions provider, we work In close cooperation with our customers.

Icons_Navigation_Our Story

About Us

Our strong values form the cornerstone of our identity and are at the baseline of our success.

Icons_Navigation_Annual Report

Annual Report

Dive into the details of our growth. Read the full report and learn more about our continued success.

More Cegeka

Our Management

Corporate News

Contact & Locations

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid Cloud

Explore the added value of cloud adoption for your business

Data solution

Data & AI

Discover our different data solutions to help you become a data-driven company.

RegulatoryCompliance_Visuals_Navigation (1)

Regulatory Compliance

Ensure GDPR & GxP compliance with our comprehensive solutions.

Cyber Security & Networking Solution

Cyber Security & Networking

With cyber resilience, your organisation becomes a bit more secure with each day.

Digital Workplace Solution

Digital Workplace

Hybrid workplaces that increases productivity and reduces costs.

Testing_Visuals_IconNavigation (1)

Quality Engineering

Ensuring seamless software, one Test at a time.

Applications Solution


Building the applications to embed growth, innovation and agility

Business Solutions

Business Solutions

Transform your business with Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM, integrated with Microsoft’s Power Platform.


5G & Mobile Private Networks

Expertise and development experience to bring all the advantages of 5G.

Products and platform solutions

Products & Platforms

Software solutions that optimize business processes and drive success.


IT Team Extension

The best IT professionals to support your projects

Outsourcing Services

Outsourcing & Managed Services

Outsourcing your IT helps you to focus on your strategy.



The right skills and attitude to support the IT projects at your office



Integrating the right digital solutions for your IT project


Our industry-tailored services are designed to address specific challenges and opportunities across different industries

All industries

Agri & Food

Cegeka has a deep understanding of the agri and food ecosystem and the opportunities it creates.



By creating leading digital solutions and connecting individuals, processes and systems.​

Energy & Utilities

Energy & Utilities

The arrival of smart electricity grids will allow companies to take care of their own energy management

Finance & Insurance

Finance & Insurance

Take major steps towards cloud computing to increase effectiveness through the use of AI and big data.



Production chains are becoming intelligent networks with real-time track-and-trace systems.



Offer citizens, businesses and visitors a better experience by integrating the best digital solutions for mobility.

Knowledge is our backbone

We believe in sharing our insights and expertise with you. Explore our resources and learn more about our products, services and industry trends.

Icons_Navigation_Case Studies

Case Studies

Step into the world of our delighted customers and see how we helped them achieve their goals.

Icons_Navigation_News Items

Corporate News

Stay in the loop with our company news, announcements, awards and events.



Read our latest articles on topics ranging from technology, innovation, business and beyond.



Be part of the action with our live or on-demand webinars, where our experts share invaluable knowledge.


E-books & Whitepapers

Download our guides and reports on various aspects of technology and business.



Find out where we are going to be next, and register for our upcoming events.

CTG Academy


Enhance your skills with our expert-led training courses, tutorials, and certifications at our Academy.

Join our Academy
Austria (German) Belgium (Dutch) Belgium (French) Denmark (English) Germany (German) Greece (Greek) Italy (Italian) Romania (English) Sweden (English) The Netherlands (Dutch) United Kingdom (English) Careers Let’s get in touch


Customer Analytics
Data Platform:
alla ricerca delle informazioni (s)perdute



GIOVEDÌ 15 GIUGNO 2023 | 16:00 - 17:00



Facile dire "Siamo un'azienda Data-Driven" ma poi quando si arriva al dunque spesso le risposte sono evasive e senza dati certi.​

Durante questo webinar metteremo a confronto due ipotesi di situazioni aziendali per evidenziare la differenza tra un'azienda con reale approccio "Data Driven", che usa realmente i dati per guidare le proprie decisioni, e una tradizionale che fa affidamento solo sulla propria esperienza con tutti i vantaggi che ne derivano.​

E cosa c'è di meglio di una "intervista doppia" per farti riflettere sulla situazione della tua azienda? Sarà divertente, sarà istruttivo e soprattutto, ti farà vedere le cose sotto un'altra prospettiva. 

Non perdere l'occasione di scoprire tutti i vantaggi di un approccio "Data Driven" e di come poter trarne i massimi benefici per la tua azienda. 

Hai strumenti e idee per sollecitazioni data driven?​
 Movimenti la tua base clienti così da affezionarli maggiormente? ​
Hai un vista del cliente centralizzata con tutte le informazioni? ​
Sfrutti analitici avanzati?


Obiettivi del webinar

Durante il webinar approfondiremo:

  • Le difficoltà nel reperire rapidamente le informazioni relative alla Customer Base della propria azienda, quali sono i diversi approcci normalmente in essere per approcciare a queste difficoltà, e le relative differenze.​

  • Alcuni dei metodi analitici avanzati, semplici e complessi, per esplodere la ricchezza informativa del dato, così da usarlo per disegnare strategie data-driven.​

Al termine del webinar si avranno a disposizione le informazioni necessarie per scegliere la "Cegeka Way" e avviare la trasformazione della propria azienda in una Data-Driven Company​.


Customer Data Analytics

Un cambio di paradigma da volume a valore delle vendite a chi compra.​

Dato centralizzato, a servizio del business per abilitare Analitici Avanzati e tecniche di AI, così da ottimizzare investimenti marketing o per politiche commerciali e movimentare la base clienti per offrire un servizio migliore e affezionare la clientela personalizzando le sollecitazioni.​

Un’architettura aperta che integra, centralizzando, i dati aziendali ERP/CRM, a partire da semplici anagrafiche, integrando tecniche analitiche avanzate, fornendo un ambiente per l’analisi del dato. Non più excel volanti e una visione che mette al centro il cliente per arrivare alla vendite.​


15 Giugno 2023 dalle 16:00 alle 17:00 

Benefici operativi:

- Dati sparsi e excel volanti​
+ Vista Cliente e nel tempo​
+ Basi per
Data Driven Approach​ e AI​
+ misura Loyalty clienti


Benefici decisionali:

+ Efficienza
+ Ottimizzare investimenti e portfolio clienti
+ Risparmi/Savings
- Errore


Partecipando al webinar potrai avere una sessione con un nostro consulente per approfondire questi temi



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5G, Artificial Intelligence and hybrid cloud: all breakthrough technologies in and by themselves. But their real potential?

Discover the future with us

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About Cegeka

Cegeka & Society

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Why Cegeka

Annual Report

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